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So Many Diet Plans, But Which One Is The Best Fat Burning Diet?

April 30, 2024 by  
Filed under Fat Burning Articles

So Many Diet Plans, But Which One Is The Best Fat Burning Diet?

Article by Ricardo D Argence

Each month the media bombard the public with new and supposedly effective ways to shed those excess pounds. Articles and advertisements in all the popular magazines give information about the latest and most successful ways of losing weight from diet pills and supplements to specific diet plans, claiming to be the best and encouraging people to give them a try.

However, separating fact from fiction and likely success from failure is difficult. There are clearly some unhealthy not to mention unachievable diet products and plans around and here are some guidelines to help you avoid them.

Finding a scientific basis for a fat burning diet plan is a good place to start. Let’s take the popular grapefruit diet, for example. It’s a healthy foodstuff, rich in vitamin C and low in calories but it has never been scientifically proven to be the natural fat burner as we have been led to believe.

Diet plans involving extremely low calorie allowances and small amounts of protein should be avoided at all costs. Yes, there is no doubt about it; rapid weight loss will be achieved but the weight will soon go back on again. This is due to the fact that the body requires protein to keep muscles toned. Without protein the body slows down the rate it burns calories up at and this, in turn, results in a weight increase.

Ignore any form of diet plan that does not involve effort. You will not lose weight without following a diet plan and taking regular exercise.

A good variation of food is an essential part of any diet regime. The exclusion of any of the basic food groups will not provide you with a well balanced diet so don’t limit yourself to only one or two kinds of food. You will not get the long term results you are looking for.

Avoid detoxification diets – they can be dangerous. If the organs of your body are not removing toxins naturally it’s a doctor you need to see first and foremost.

After an opening period of quick weight loss, if you are following a healthy and well balanced diet and taking regular exercise you should see a slow but steady drop in weight. This is really the best way forward.

Sometimes simply making a few small changes results in such a huge difference. For example, you could start by using skimmed or semi-skimmed instead of full fat milk. When positive results are noticed by this kind of change people are encouraged to find more ways of diet regime management. Avoid complicated diet plans and keep your goals realistic – you won’t be frustrated and setting yourself up for failure this way.

There is no quick fix where weight management is concerned. Quite simply, you need to get rid of your bad eating habits and start exercising regularly and the steady results you see will give you all the encouragement and motivation you need to continue.

About the Author

Sick and tired of fad diets that doesn’t work? We have for you a lot of articles and reviews of quick weight loss diets to lose weight permanently. You can also watch my videos about fat burning secrets to lose weight quickly. How to Lose Weight Eating a High Protein Fat Burning Diet High-protein diets have been around for decades. The most popular diet of the 1950’s was the Liver Diet, recommending no starches and lots of liver for dinner. Atkins, Zone, Protein Power, Sugar Busters and Stillman…
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